Sariwa Farm, owner and operator of a half acre farm in the Sammamish Valley specializing in organically grown Asian vegetables.
Program Director at Southwest Youth and Family Services. Lead the management of 4 family centers in Seattle (White Center, Burien, and SeaTac), serving predominantly immigrant and refugee populations.
College and Financial Aid advisor to over 30 San Francisco Bay Area students who have overcome tremendous hardship, neglect, abuse and homelessness. Provided ongoing support and mentoring to ensure high school graduation, college matriculation, graduation and successful employment. (San Francisco Bay Area, 2008-2016)
Teaching artist with Shadowlight Production working with 35, 9th-12th grade art students at Mission High School. Developed a visual and theatrical production using shadow puppetry, integrating student led topics on social justice, climate change, and poverty. (San Francisco, 2015)
Teaching residency with AIR SF and Shadowlight Production. Developed a 10-week curriculum on the design and creation of puppets, masks, and sets, culminating into a show with 80, 1st-grade students at Bessie Carmichael Elementary School. (San Francisco, 2015)
Teaching residency with Shadowlight Production designed to engage 8 (SRO:Single Residency Occupant) children ages 7-12 years old in a 6 session shadow theatre workshop focusing on the child’s development, confidence, and realization of their potential beyond the confinement of the 4 walls of their SRO residency. (Chinatown, San Francisco 2015)
Teaching Artist in collaboration with Yerba Buena Community Benefit District to develop two-hour, introductory workshop that is focused on movement, physical theatre and mask play. (Annie Plaza, San Francisco 2015)
Worked in collaboration with the Multi-Cultural Club consisting of 15 Mission High School students in the design of shadow puppets and sets for their Multi-Cultural Assembly. (San Francisco, 2013)